CLIFF NOTES TO MY YOUNGER SELF (& to whom it may concern…)'s ok. You're doing great! You are not alone. You are loved. Most importantly...prioritize self-care every day! 1st and last thing of each day, love yourself into success, wellness & compassion. You can then give of yourself throughout your day as you recharge & refresh throughout your night. Appreciating what others give and take becomes easier for all parties connected & concerned.
Right now, it may feel like you have the world on your shoulders...and you do (your world). You always will...& that is the point and value of life, of choosing it. You don't really want it any other just want to be able to control & enjoy
The reasons are personal and impersonal. Personally, only you know your goals, dreams, and who you are (the totality of your mix of nature and nurture). Impersonally, no one else can do, feel, think or be for you...nor can make the changes in those arenas for you.
You/we are born as a baby that physically grows and matures into a toddler, teenager, young adult, adult & elder. In as much as the baby fell learning to walk, you may fall ('fail') in the learning that is involved in living life as a toddler, teenager, young adult, adult and elder.
Learning & 'walking' becomes more than physical very quickly, possibly and probably immediately. The awareness...less so. You are more than are also emotional, mental, & it spirit, ego, consciousness, soul, or any other label for that part of you which is NOT! (Physical, Emotional, or Mental)!!
To grow physically as an adult, you must intentionally engage with the pain of change, the pain of going to the gym to push against weight till muscles tear. Understanding that pain is gain is the key to enjoying it & understanding all pain in all dimensions is gain, as quickly as you can see and embrace it that way...a choice, a practiced choice. This understanding is still developing in external communication, support, structures, of many reasons pain is inflicted on and through collectives without the desire, intention or clarification of gain to/for ALL stakeholders.
Although it is easier to see applicability individually, it is also possible collectively. Yet always the application, the example, is set by the individual until collective desire and platforms catch up. This means, don't wait for another or others to make positive changes for you & for us.
The more you grow, gain control of, and enjoy your physical, emotional, mental and, perspectives, understanding, experience, etc... the more you will become the creator creating intentionally vs not (made in the image, of the creator)!
So, be easy on yourself, be easy on others...for not having it figured out yet...Individually or Collectively. From the deepest extent of the self, inside, to the furthest reaches of us, outside! Want more...get a Gift Pack and make the commitment to love yourself into success, wellness and compassion!
Right now, it may feel like you have the world on your shoulders...and you do (your world). You always will...& that is the point and value of life, of choosing it. You don't really want it any other just want to be able to control & enjoy
The reasons are personal and impersonal. Personally, only you know your goals, dreams, and who you are (the totality of your mix of nature and nurture). Impersonally, no one else can do, feel, think or be for you...nor can make the changes in those arenas for you.
You/we are born as a baby that physically grows and matures into a toddler, teenager, young adult, adult & elder. In as much as the baby fell learning to walk, you may fall ('fail') in the learning that is involved in living life as a toddler, teenager, young adult, adult and elder.
Learning & 'walking' becomes more than physical very quickly, possibly and probably immediately. The awareness...less so. You are more than are also emotional, mental, & it spirit, ego, consciousness, soul, or any other label for that part of you which is NOT! (Physical, Emotional, or Mental)!!
To grow physically as an adult, you must intentionally engage with the pain of change, the pain of going to the gym to push against weight till muscles tear. Understanding that pain is gain is the key to enjoying it & understanding all pain in all dimensions is gain, as quickly as you can see and embrace it that way...a choice, a practiced choice. This understanding is still developing in external communication, support, structures, of many reasons pain is inflicted on and through collectives without the desire, intention or clarification of gain to/for ALL stakeholders.
Although it is easier to see applicability individually, it is also possible collectively. Yet always the application, the example, is set by the individual until collective desire and platforms catch up. This means, don't wait for another or others to make positive changes for you & for us.
The more you grow, gain control of, and enjoy your physical, emotional, mental and, perspectives, understanding, experience, etc... the more you will become the creator creating intentionally vs not (made in the image, of the creator)!
So, be easy on yourself, be easy on others...for not having it figured out yet...Individually or Collectively. From the deepest extent of the self, inside, to the furthest reaches of us, outside! Want more...get a Gift Pack and make the commitment to love yourself into success, wellness and compassion!